Currently open

Sales period: 23.09.–21.10.2024 Winter semester 2024

Information stands

If you want to convince yourself personally of the high quality of our u:books, visit us at our u:book information stands throughout Austria!

At the following dates and locations, you will have the opportunity to visit us in person, take a close look at the latest u:books and test them extensively. In addition, representatives of most companies will be available on site to answer your questions and provide feedback.

Please note that due to local regulations, the dates for the information stands may change at short notice.


Universität Wien
01.10. Großer Festsaal, Hauptgebäude 09:00 –17:00
02.10. Großer Festsaal, Hauptgebäude 09:00 –16:00

Technische Universität Wien
07.10. Freihaus, EG 10:00 –16:00
08.10. Freihaus, EG 10:00 –16:00

Cancelled: Klagenfurt

Unfortunately, the information stand had to be cancelled.

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Cancelled: Graz

Unfortunately, the information stands had to be cancelled.

Technische Universität Graz

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz