Currently closed

Next sales period: 24.02.–24.03.2025 Summer semester 2025

Information according to § 4a FAGG

The University of Vienna temporarily operates the online shop, which is to be qualified as an online marketplace within the meaning of § 3 Z 10 FAGG. On this marketplace, the University of Vienna (hereinafter: "marketplace operator") enables students and members of educational institutions (hereinafter: "customers") to conclude online contracts with third parties. The third parties who offer goods, services or digital content on the marketplace and with whom customers can conclude binding contracts (hereinafter: "traders") are exclusively entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 1 para 2 KSchG.

The ranking of the offers displayed to the customers is based on the favourability principle. The lowest-priced offers are always displayed in descending order. In addition, customers have the option of setting their own filters and thus influencing the ranking. The offers then displayed are not supported by automation or influenced by any parameters in the background. The ranking is carried out exclusively on the basis of the filters set by the customers and within the set filters again according to the most favourable offer.

If contracts are concluded between customers and traders on the online marketplace, the respective trader and thus the contractual partner of the customer shall be fully and exclusively subject to the mutual obligations arising from the concluded contract and any pre-contractual obligations. In addition, the respective general terms and conditions of the traders are decisive for the customers with regard to concluded contracts. The marketplace operator shall not be subject to any contractual or other obligations arising from the contracts concluded between the customers and traders and the marketplace operator shall never be a contractual partner. The traders shall inform the customers about existing rights of withdrawal and other information rights in accordance with the relevant consumer protection provisions.

No results of any comparisons of goods, services or digital content are made or displayed on the online marketplace.

Since contracts are only concluded with third parties on the online marketplace and the marketplace operator is never a contractual partner, the marketplace operator informs the customers clearly, understandably and in a prominent manner about this circumstance before the conclusion of the contract.