Currently closed

Next sales period: 22.09.–20.10.2025 Winter semester 2025

Who is entitled?

In general, all schoolchildren, students and employees at formal Austrian educational institutions are entitled to purchase the products using their personal login data or for members of other organisations via registration in the external shop.

Entitled persons

If you belong to one of the following groups, you are entitled to purchase products: 

  • Students and employees of all Austrian universities, universities of applied sciences, university colleges of teacher education and other tertiary educational institutions.
  • Schoolchildren who are 18 years or older (except Apple) and employees at Austrian schools that operate on a legal basis, i.e. schools that are subject to the Schulorganisationsgesetz (school organisation act), the Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz (health care act) or the Berufsausbildungsgesetz (vocational training act), as well as schools and colleges for agriculture and forestry. Schoolchildren under 18 years (except Apple) have to obtain the approval of a legal guardian.
  • Members of alumni associations (except Apple) and fully participating organisations.

Non-entitled persons

Not entitled to purchase u:book products are, among others, dancing schools, music schools and adult education centres (Volkshochschulen), preparatory courses for the secondary school vocational certificate (Berufsreifeprüfung), building craftsperson schools, industrial master colleges, master craftsperson schools and other institutions providing adult education.